Chiropractic and Sports Injury Care

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hip Pain and Leg Pain -- What is IT?

What is that pain in your hip, or upper buttock -- or the pain running down the side or back of your leg?
If it's in your hip or buttock -- you may believe you have a hip problem. If you have pain down your leg -- it may be a burning sensation or numb feeling or even tingling radiating from your lower back or even just your upper buttock down the back of your thigh and into the back of your leg.

It's sciatica -- a low back condition that most often causes more than just low back pain.

Most often, the sciatic nerve is inflamed. Sciatica is caused by irritation of the root(s) of the lower lumbar and lumbosacral spine- and involve either a pinched nerve or an inflamed facet joint.

Often sciatica symptoms are aggravated by walking or bending at the waist and may be relieved by lying down.

Whenever the sciatic nerve flares, rest. Quality rest for the back will help the sciatic inflammation subside more quickly.

You can apply cold packs when you first notice pain from the sciatic nerve. Place cold packs on the affected areas for about 15 minutes four times per day.

After 48 hours, you can begin applying heat to the affected areas.

The good news is that sciatica is quite treatable with chiropractic care by Dr. Jeffers.

When symptoms first appear, prompt treatment is best – simply waiting and hoping pain will subside on its own often results in only a more prolonged period of pain.

Call Dr. Jeffers, your San Diego Chiropractor, today for all types of leg, hip, elbow, shoulder, back, knee and neck pain. Call: 858 452-7770